Leadership Dynamics

Leadership Dynamics™



Following participation in this educational program, attendees will have a heightened awareness of themselves as communicators, leaders and representatives of the organization.


The following competencies will be covered in this three-day course:

Interpersonal CommunicationTeam Skills

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Customer Orientation/Focus

Diversity Awareness


Conflict Management/Resolution

Accepting & Managing Change

Innovative Thinking

Improvisation: Thinking on Your Feet



To develop leadership strategies by blending technical skills, flexibility and diversity with one’s own personal, individualized style.

To create a positive sense of self as it relates to the fundamentals of communication, leadership, and personal mastery.

To demonstrate techniques for enhancing and developing high performance teams.

To develop attitudes that project trust and credibility to direct reports.

To explore the role of values, ethics and innovative thinking in future leaders.

To review and thus continually improve foundational skills necessary to succeed as leaders including oral communication, counseling, coaching, conflict management, customer focus, etc.



Interactive, supportive activities

Easily applicable, practical tools for successful leadership

Fast-paced and fun!

Dynamic instructor who is also a professional keynote speaker

An opportunity for personal and professional growth





Small group activities

Visual aids

Individual attention




Session One

I.      Introduction and Personal Goal Setting

A.  Breaking Bad Habits

B.  Qualities of Effective Leaders

C.  What Does it Mean to Lead With Spirit and Soul?

D.  Why is Effective Communication and Dialogue Important?

E.  Be Here Now

II.   It Starts With You

A. The Wisdom of Great Leaders

B.  Change is One Thing You Can Count On

C.  Leadership and Innovative Thinking

D.  Crisis and Acceptance

E.  Personal Communication Assessment for Changing Behaviors

F.  Managing Change

III.  Self-Management/Self-Direction Strategies

A.  The Power of Self-Talk

B.  Exercise in Self-Talk:  How the Inner Affects the Outer

C.  You Can’t Leave Home Without You™

D.  Strategies for Success with Stress and Other Life Irritants (problem employees, coworkers, policies)

E.  The Importance of Positive Attitude

IV.  Leadership and Intuition

A.  Success Stories from Around the World

B.  How Can You Tap Into This Vital Resource?


Session Two

  I.    Interpersonal Interactions

A.  Connecting with Internal and External Customers

B.  Stewardship: Choosing Service Over Self-Interest

C.  Levels of Service

D.  Developing a Service Consciousness

II.    Qualities Of Effective Communicators/Service Providers

III.  Meanings Are in People, Not in Words

IV.   Application of the Communication Process

A.  Receiver Orientation

B.  Perception vs. Reality

C.  Diversity Awareness: Gender, Cultural, Generational, Personality Type, Communication Skill Level, etc.

V.    The Importance of Non-Verbal Language

A.  How You Say What You Say Matters™

B.  Non-Verbal Skill Practice

VI.  Questioning & Listening

A.  Effective Questioning & Listening: It’s A Process

B.  Poor Listening Habits


D.  Reflective Listening

E.  Listening with Empathy and Compassion

VII.  Improvisation and Thinking on Your Feet


Session Three

I.     Developing High Performance Teams

A.  Identifying Behaviors that Inhibit Team Building

B.  Why Teams?

C.  What are the Qualities of Effective Teams/Members/Leaders?

D.  Stages of Team Development

E.  Roles People Play

F.  Myths about Teaming

II.   Coaching, Counseling and Communicating Effectively

A.  Differentiating Between Coaching, Counseling, and Communicating

B.  The Coaching and Counseling Relationship

1.  The Benefits of Coaching

2.  The Benefits of Counseling

3.  When to Coach and When to Counsel

4.  Qualities of Effective Coaches and Counselors

C.  Listening: The Key to Successful Coaching and Counseling

1.  Reflective Listening: A Must for Coaches and Counselors

2.  Skill Practice: Reflective Listening Re-visited

III.   Giving Feedback Because Criticism Doesn’t Have To Hurt

A.  What is Feedback?

B.  Action Plan For Giving Feedback

C.  A Model For Providing Feedback:  E.D.A.

D.  Feedback Skill Practice

IV.  Conflict Resolution & Management

A.  Mediation Might Be an Option

B.  Types of Conflict

C.  The Aikido Approach to Managing/Resolving Conflict

D.  The Art of Centering

E.  Defusing Anger

F.  Stay C.A.L.M.

V.    COBIC and Balance

VI.  Action Planning for Success